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New Public Safety Conditions for PG&E’s Kerckhoff Hydroelectric Project (CA)

10/03/2024 - by Dave Steindorf

Last week, state and federal agencies mandated new safety and environmental measures for PG&E’s Kerckhoff Hydroelectric Project on the San Joaquin River (CA), following an advocacy effort by American Whitewater. The new conditions will reduce dangerous water surges and improve river health by requiring coordinated dam operations and natural flow releases. American Whitewater is calling on FERC to implement these safety measures immediately.

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Hurricane Helene Update and Resources

10/03/2024 - by Bethany Overfield

Although we are devastated and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the destruction of Hurricane Helene, we are inspired by the resourceful heroes in our communities that are digging-in and finding multitudes of ways to help—scores of folks, many of whom are boaters, are leading the charge in recovery efforts. Our network is uniquely equipped as helpers, and we are grateful. Many people have reached out to ask us how they can help and where to direct funds. There are many wonderful organizations doing deeply impactful work. We’re happy to list a few of the local organizations we know working to address immediate needs in affected communities. This list will change over time as needs shift. A continually updated list will live at the bottom of this article. 

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Hurricane Helene Wreaks Havoc on River Community Including American Whitewater

09/30/2024 - by Evan Stafford

Massive flooding, landslides, and wind damage related to Hurricane Helene has put western North Carolina, southeast Tennessee and other parts of the region in crisis, and many in our river loving community, including members of the American Whitewater staff and board have been severely affected. Infrastructure including modes of communication and roads critical to deliveries of essential goods have been destroyed and it may be some time before anything resembling normal business returns to the area. This includes American Whitewater offices and some staff, so please forgive us in advance if we are slow to respond or we can not be reached. 

In the coming days we’ll be sharing ways our community from far and wide can help as those avenues become more clear, and in the meantime we’re sending all the love and healing vibes we can to our friends and family who are feeling the effects of the widespread damage to one of the true homes to American Whitewater, and to one of the longest standing and influential communities of river runners in the country. Our hearts are with you and we’ll be making ourselves available to help in any way that we can.

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Georgia Committee Meeting on the Right to Paddle this Friday

09/16/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

A special state House study committee tasked with determining the public's rights to paddle on Georgia’s streams will hear from the public for the first time in a meeting scheduled for Sept. 20 at Unicoi State Park. The meeting could result in recommendations to dramatically curtail the public's right to paddle rivers in Georgia. Friday’s meeting will begin at 9 a.m. at the lodge at Unicoi State Park, near Helen, GA. Following a presentation by the Department of Natural Resources, there is time set aside on the agenda for members of the public to provide comments. Paddlers are encouraged to attend the hearing and speak up for your right to paddle the state's rivers. American Whitewater and our partners will be urging lawmakers to preserve existing recreational river uses and protect the public’s ability to float down the state’s many rivers and streams.

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Fall 2024 Update on California Whitewater Boating Releases

09/16/2024 - by Scott Harding

American Whitewater is excited to announce several fall 2024 whitewater boating releases in California, including multiple releases on the North Fork Feather, South Fork Feather, and Pit River in September and October. Plus, Feather Fest is coming right up on September 27-29 and we have opportunities for volunteers to help make the event a success! Read on for full details.

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American Whitewater Gives Voice to Recreation in Grand Canyon

09/12/2024 - by Kestrel Kunz

In August, American Whitewater staff traveled to the south rim of the Grand Canyon to meet with agency leaders and nonprofit partners to advocate for river recreation in talks about the future of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 established the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program and Work Group. Many of our partners sit on this working group, an advisory committee charged with making recommendations for reservoir management and allocating funding for monitoring and research in the Grand Canyon. We anticipate that the Bureau of Reclamation will release a draft operations plan in late 2024, or early 2025, determining water cuts and potentially only annual water delivery amounts. We have continually pushed to see more granularity in the analysis, so that the public can understand how river flows will be affected on a monthly and daily basis, but it is very likely that Reclamation will punt a more detailed analysis to a subsequent review process known as, the Long-Term Experimental Management Plan. Hit the read more button to learn more about what specifically we advocated for. 


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Iron Gate Cofferdam Breached, Klamath River Freed

09/12/2024 - by Evan Stafford

On August 28th, Tribal members gathered alongside government officials and nonprofit partners to cheer as the final cofferdam was breached at Iron Gate reservoir, freeing the Klamath River from Lake Ewauna to the Pacific Ocean. After over two decades of Tribal advocacy, an agreement was reached to remove four hydroelectric dams, Iron Gate, Copco 1 and 2, and JC Boyle, re-opening over 400 miles of the river and tributaries to the legendary salmon runs that have been stifled by these impoundments for over a century. We expect river recreation opportunities to start sometime in 2025, however there are a number of access and other management issues we are working to address before boaters begin to descend the free-flowing river corridor. The Shasta Indian Nation is prepared to welcome people to their lands, but is also still in the process of developing  a management plan for visitor use and a mechanism for funding stewardship of project lands they are set to receive. It’s an honor to participate in the return of ownership to the Tribes of their most spiritual land, and we can not wait to see the reclaiming of the river through the Paddle Tribal Waters students first descent of a free-flowing Klamath!

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We Want to Hear From YOU in our Community Survey

09/12/2024 - by Evan Stafford

Calling All River Lovers! We want to hear from YOU! Whether you’re a member of American Whitewater or not, your voice matters. Take our quick survey and help shape the future of American Whitewater.

Why Take the Survey?
WIN an Immersion Research Drysuit of choice!
Second & third place winners score some sweet American Whitewater gear and apparel.
Help us serve you and our community better!

Your input counts! This survey isn’t just for members. If you’re passionate about whitewater rivers, we want to know what you value most so we can better serve our entire river-loving community. Please share this post with your network!

Take the Survey Today!

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National Park Service Shares 2024 Gauley Season Details (WV)

08/23/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater is happy to share an open letter to boaters from the great rangers and staff of the Gauley River National Recreation Area, which contains some new information this year. This letter will keep you up to date on important management actions of the National Park Service on the Gauley River for the 2024 season. In addition, as part of our agreement with the land owner, there is no camping allowed on the Legg field that American Whitewater leases for overflow parking. As always, respect this and other private property. Enjoy, be safe, and be ready to help others out there. 

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North Fork Kern (CA) Kern River #3 Relicensing Comparative Flow Study

08/08/2024 - by Jeff Venturino

Southern California Edison is currently in the process of relicensing their Kern River #3 (KR3) hydroelectric project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). In support of that effort they have been conducting a Whitewater Boating Study for the last two paddling seasons. We’re amplifying SCE’s request for participation in their Flow Comparison Study for flows on the North Fork Kern below Fairview Dam. Your participation can help to shape the future of flows on the North Fork Kern! More information about the KR3 relicensing is available at SCE’s relicensing website.

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Watauga River (NC) Reopened to Boating, at Least Temporarily

08/08/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

On July 12, American Whitewater was granted status as an intervenor in a contested case pending in North Carolina challenging the rights of the public to recreate on short sections of the Boone Fork and Watauga Rivers upstream of their confluence. In addition, on August 1, the existing temporary restraining order was modified to include the following language: “This Order is not intended to, and does not, prohibit or limit navigation of the stream segments by individuals in kayaks or other recreational watercraft.”

Our ability to respond to this threat and others like it is an example of your member contributions at work. Without your support we would not have been unable to mount such a strong and swift challenge in this case. But we must remain vigilant. Please consider renewing your membership, or making an additional donation today to ensure we can continue to stay engaged, and be prepared to respond when new threats arise. 

You can join or renew your membership here, or make an additional contribution via our donation page.


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Restoring Flows in Colorado

08/07/2024 - by Hattie Johnson

American Whitewater has been advocating for healthy rivers and flows for recreation as an integral pillar of Colorado’s Water Plan since it was directed by an Executive Order in 2013 by then Governor Hickenlooper. Our flow study approach was later included in the plan’s nonconsumptive needs toolbox and, as recently as last year, our collaboration with river based businesses and conservation organizations made significant changes to the updated water plan. We’ve long identified a need to fully grasp the quantification of water needs for recreation and risks to them under future drier conditions. Over the past year we have been working to do just that on a statewide scale.

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American Whitewater Releases Decision Making Tool for Gunnison River (CO)

08/07/2024 - by Kestrel Kunz

This Spring, American Whitewater released an interactive web tool that analyzes how flows in the lower Gunnison River meet environmental and recreational flow needs. The goal of the tool is to create a better understanding of the relationship between recreational and environmental flow needs in the Gunnison River and to inform reservoir releases when there is flexibility in the system. With the tool complete, we aim to work with both river managers and the general public to ensure that the tool is used effectively to help educate river users and inform river management. If you are interested in learning more about the tool and how to use it or if you have feedback about the tool, please reach out to Kestrel Kunz at

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Thank you for completing our community survey!

08/02/2024 - by American Whitewater

Your voice is an essential contribution to our work, thank you for helping shape the path ahead. By completing this survey you have been entered into a prize drawing - winners will be drawn and announced this fall.

Join or renew your membership!
If you would like to become a member, or renew your membership, you can sign up at our online membership form. 

Give an additional gift to the rivers you love!
If you are already a member, please consider making an additional generous contribution in this 70th Anniversary year via our donation page. 

Thank you for being a part of the whitewater community and supporting American Whitewater. 

-The American Whitewater Team

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Local Counties' Proposal Falls Short at Protecting the Dolores River (CO)

07/28/2024 - by Kestrel Kunz

American Whitewater responds to a proposal from Mesa and Montrose Counties in Colorado that does not adequately protect the Dolores River and it's broader landscape. The canyons, mountains, and tributaries that surround the Dolores River make up the most biodiverse and largest unprotected landscape in Colorado. Rivers and their surrounding landscapes are interconnected and in order to have a healthy watershed the management of the adjacent lands is very important. The two counties' proposal encompasses only 7.5% of the landscape proposed for protection by American Whitewater and our partners. It’s been over 50 years since people came together to try and protect this landscape. With the increasing threat of climate change, destructive development, and an exploding population, the Dolores River and its canyons can’t afford to wait another decade or even another 5 years before action is taken.

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Keep Updated on Rivers Affected by Fires with the AW Wildfire Info Map

07/25/2024 - by Scott Harding

It's peak fire season in much of the country and active wildfires are currently burning along several whitewater rivers in the West. Be sure to check the American Whitewater Wildfire Information Map for the latest details on whether there's an active wildfire that could affect your time on the river. It's the only map that combines detailed information on whitewater runs with constantly updated fire locations, air quality info, and more.

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- Take Action! Georgia Right to Paddle Imperiled

07/22/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

The Georgia General Assembly has embarked on a process that could result in a sweeping loss of the public’s right to paddle rivers in Georgia. Following some legislative back-and-forth, a committee is now formally convening that will address the matter and may choose to issue a list of streams that they consider to be open to public use under civil-war-era state law. American Whitewater feels strongly that the General Assembly should support outdoor recreation through codifying a modern set of public river use rights rather than attempt to delineate every stream that is or is not open to the public. Read on to see some tangible steps that paddlers can take to help. 

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Gauley Paddlers Encouraged to Step Up Safety

07/10/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

This year we want to encourage boaters to have a great time on the Gauley, but to also keep it classy and keep the safety of your group and others front of mind. Here are some tips, based on conversations with the National Park Service and our own recommendations as fellow paddlers. Every fall the predictable flows, sublime scenery, and powerful rapids of the Gauley bring boaters together from vast distances for something of an annual reunion in a National Park setting. Mixed into the roar of the rapids are the cheers of river runners celebrating each other’s good and bad lines, and at times the joy of the river and community fuels a party-like atmosphere on the river. At the same time, the Gauley River has significant hazards that claim lives with sobering regularity. 

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Take action! Ensure Impacts to Dolores River Are Fully Analyzed

07/10/2024 - by Hattie Johnson

Flows in the Dolores River below McPhee Dam depend on how its dam and irrigation infrastructure are operated. Since the construction of the dam, boatable flows are only available in years when the reservoir is overflowing. Native fish and a healthy and diverse riparian corridor are dependent on these wildly variable dam releases. Two agreements that direct the operations and water management for McPhee Dam are up for renewal in 2025. Flows have been less consistent over the past 24 years and have resulted in significant impacts to boaters, fish, and riparian habitat. We believe that an environmental analysis of those agreements must be updated before the current agreements are renewed, for the health of the river and to be legally compliant with the National Environmental Policy Act. Use this easy-action form to help us in asking the Bureau of Reclamation to fully analyze the impacts of future Dolores Project operations on environmental, cultural and recreational values.

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Gore Fest is ON! August 23-25

07/10/2024 - by Hattie Johnson

American Whitewater is hosting the festival at Pumphouse Recreation Area in partnership with Whitewater Racing LLC who will be bringing you the beloved race through Gore Canyon. We are grateful for them to host the big race. Please check their website for more race details. American Whitewater will be supporting the festivities and be there for you to join or renew your membership and learn more about our work in the region. Join us starting on Friday August 23rd and camp through the weekend at Pumphouse. Camping is reservable on but currently fully reserved at Pumphouse during the event.

Join AW and support river stewardship nationwide!